Plantation Locations - East Carroll Parish

Google Maps has come in handy yet again to map out the latitude and longitude of plantation locations in East Carroll Parish. Previously, we have used Google Earth to map out the locations of the various plantations across the parish, but new functionality in Google Maps allows us to do the same things without the download.

Belle Mead Plantation - Previous owners: Mrs. Eliza Bush and husband Major Grace. Previous slaves: Clora (Evans) Atlas, Caroline (Russell) Carson (aunt of Clora (Evans) Atlas), Susan (Russell) Evans (mother of Clora (Evans) Atlas).

Clora (Evans) Atlas was married to King Atlas, Jr.. Caroline (Russell) Carson's husband Lewis Carson served in the Civil War and she received his pension.

Longwood Plantation - Previous Owners: George M. Long, Dr. Samuel Bond, Joseph R. Parks; Previous inhabitants: King Atlas, Sr., King Atlas, Jr, John Atlas, Andrew Atlas, William Steven Atlas, Jr.

To search for locations using latitude and longitude, use this as an example:,+-122.41175+(You+can+insert+your+text+here)&iwloc=A&hl=en


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